Behavior & Mental Health

Introduction To Positive Behavior Supports & Applied Positive Behavior Supports

Introduction to Positive Behavior Supports

This one-day training will introduce the fundamental principles of positive behavior support to help care providers gain an understanding of the origins of problem behavior. It will include an overview of essential elements of behavior support, the influence of mental health on behavior, development of practical support strategies, and a brief overview of functional assessment. After completing this training, the participant will understand the traditional perspectives that make up Positive Behavior Supports, where problem behavior comes from, how to develop and implement effective expectations for positive behaviors, and how prevention plays a key role in providing support to individuals that display persistent problem behaviors.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, and individuals with disabilities and family members.  
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this course.
Should you have any additional questions related to this training, please refer to:Positive Behavior Support FAQ
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 2, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Registration is closed
Completed July 10, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Registration is closed
Closed July 15, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Registration is closed
Completed July 24, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Registration is closed
Full August 6, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Event Full
Registration Closed
Full August 12, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Event Full
Registration Closed
Full August 15, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Event Full
Registration Closed
Open August 19, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Open September 6, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Open September 11, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Open September 17, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Open Setember 25, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Open September 30, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Applied Positive Behavior Supports: Functional Behavior Assessment and Development of Behavior Support Plans

This course builds on the principles of Introduction to Positive Behavior Supports, as outlined in the foundations course. In many cases, people who engage in persistent patterns of problem behaviors demonstrate complex behaviors with many underlying causes. This training will assist participants in learning to conduct a team-based, multi-component, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) to systematically assess these behaviors and identify the underlying function or motivation. The second phase of the training will illustrate how to use this information to develop effective intervention plans to address ongoing behavior and mental health needs and support quality of life.   
Note:This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, and individuals with disabilities and family members.  
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Prerequisite:  Completion of Introduction to Positive Behavior Supports
Should you have any additional questions related to this training, please refer to: Positive Behavior Support FAQ
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 8, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Registration is closed
Open September 9, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Understanding and Addressing the Needs of People with Dual Diagnosis

This one-day workshop will review the relationship between mental health and/or mental illness, and problem behavior.  We will look at ways that mental illness may contribute to problem behavior, strategies to support individuals with developmental disabilities and mental illnesses, and coordinating behavior intervention with therapeutic supports.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, and individuals with disabilities and family members.  
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this course.
Prerequisite: Completion of Introduction to Positive Behavior Supports is strongly recommended
Should you have any additional questions related to this training, please refer to: Positive Behavior Support FAQ
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open August 14, 2024  9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Behavior & Mental Health Supplemental

An Introduction to Psychopharmacology in Autism: Looking at Medication and Behavioral Intervention to Address Challenging Behavior

Many individuals with Autism Spectrum disorders engage in challenging and difficult behaviors, including aggression and self-injury, and medications are frequently used in the effort to treat these behaviors. In many cases these individuals are placed on multiple medications over an extended period of time. This can lead to questions about the necessity of being on medication for an extended period of time, the need for multiple medications, and the impact this having on their health and behavior.
This workshop will provide an introductory overview to the use of medications. The presentation will address key considerations for the use of medication including potential benefits, side effects, and other common concerns. The potential impact of effectively using behavioral strategies and environmental accommodations, along with supporting research, will also be discussed. In order to explore the effective coordination of these strategies, a case illustration will be reviewed, which exemplifies both positive impact and limitations for each of these strategies.
Note: To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this course.
Should you have any additional questions related to this training, please refer to: Positive Behavior Support FAQ
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 26, 2024  10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Establishing Environments to Support Positive Behavior

Many times, when those supporting individuals with IDD need to address aggressive or other dangerous behaviors, they inadvertently reinforce the problem behavior because of the attention the individual receives.  This may lead to an environment that may instead support the problem behavior they are trying to eliminate.  After reviewing these challenges, the session will discuss modifications to crisis intervention strategies and application of Positive Behavior Support principles to establish environments that more effectively support positive behavior.  Examples of using these strategies in a variety of residential settings, from family homes through community based residential and supported living arrangements will be shared.
Note: To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this course.
Should you have any additional questions related to this training, please refer to: Positive Behavior Support FAQ
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open August 27, 2024  10:00 am - 11:00 am


Facilitating Effective Transitions from Inpatient and Residential Placement to Home and Community Settings

When individuals are placed outside their home or community residence to receive additional treatment, it is important that strategies and supports be put in place to support effective transitions back home.  This webinar will begin by reviewing challenges that are important to address.  We will then discuss the benefits of early planning for transition to a less restrictive setting.  Strategies to identify and teach skills necessary to effectively adapt to the community setting will be reviewed, along with efforts to generalize improved behavior to a less structured environment.
Note: To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this course.
Should you have any additional questions related to this training, please refer to: Positive Behavior Support FAQ
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 3, 2024  10:00 am - 11:00 am


Promoting Relaxation for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities

This presentation will introduce why people with I/DD are at greater risk for experiencing stress and anxiety and teach attendees about the need for promoting relaxation across settings. We will review how to set up positive environments that promote relaxation for all, as well as specific strategies to prepare individuals to cope effectively with anxiety inducing situations when there’s a known risk or diagnosis.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this course.
Should you have any additional questions related to this training, please refer to: Positive Behavior Support FAQ
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open August 21, 2024  10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Replacing Problem Behavior: The Key to Long Term Change

One of the keys to Positive Behavior Supports and Person Centered behavior planning is the focus on proactive interventions.  This typically involves a variety of strategies, that may include: additional support, prompting desired behavior, environmental accommodations, and avoiding triggers.  While research shows this can be effective in to reducing the frequency and/or severity of challenging behaviors, it is often difficult to sustain these interventions.  Over-reliance on these strategies often results in regression to more frequent or severe behaviors.  This training will focus on the importance of teaching alternative behaviors and developing new skills to replace problem behavior, as a more effective long-term strategy. The importance of basing these skills on function of the behavior will be discussed, along with behavioral teaching strategies.  
Note: To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this course.
Should you have any additional questions related to this training, please refer to: Positive Behavior Support FAQ
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open August 20, 2024  10:00 am - 11:00 am


Supporting Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities in Trauma Recovery

People with disabilities are likely to experience some form of trauma during their lifetime. The effects and signs of these past experiences may be overlooked or untreated. This session will explore the types of traumatic events that are common and risk factors for people with IDD. Participants will learn strategies to support coping and recovery from trauma, including methods to enhance their own self-awareness and self-regulation skills.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this course.
Should you have any additional questions related to this training, please refer to: Positive Behavior Support FAQ
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Full August 1, 2024  10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Event Full
Registration Closed
Open September 18, 2024  10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Understanding Aggressive Behavior for those with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

Aggressive behavior in individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities frequently results in the need for additional supports and services.  This presentation will provide an overview of what is known about the development of aggressive behavior and will describe practices for assessment and intervention that have been validated by research and applied practice.  A detailed case study will be provided to illustrate effective methods behavioral intervention, clinical practice, and coordination of supports.  Issues related to community safety, critical care resources, and quality of life will be discussed.
Note: To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this course.
Should you have any additional questions related to this training, please refer to: Positive Behavior Support FAQ
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Full August 13, 2024  10:00 am - 11:00 am


Event Full
Registration Closed

Community Supports & Quality

Community Supports And Quality

Personal Outcome Measures®: An Introduction

Human service organizations are charged with developing and implementing supports that help people with disabilities achieve the lives they want as fully included members of their communities. The Council on Quality and Leadership’s (CQL) Personal Outcome Measures® are a powerful tool to ensure these supports and services are truly person-centered. They are used to understand the presence, importance and achievement of outcomes, involving choice, health, safety, social capital, relationships, rights, goals, dreams, employment and more. This workshop provides an opportunity for people receiving supports, family members, and professionals to build an understanding of Personal Outcome Measures® and their use in planning for and facilitating quality supports that lead to valued lives in the community.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, and individuals with disabilities and family members.  
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work  
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open July 31, 2024  10:00 am - 2:30 pm


Community-Based Instruction

Community-Based Instruction

Job Coaching for Career Exploration in Community Settings

This two-day training will focus on equipping paraprofessionals who perform job coaching duties to support students at worksites in the community with essential skills rooted in the Employment First framework. Participants will delve into understanding disability employment realities, clarifying their role within work-based learning experiences, and applying Employment First principles to enhance coaching effectiveness. Through interactive sessions, reflective exercises, and collaborative discussions, participants will gain practical insights and strategies to foster student success in competitive integrated employment settings. This training aims to empower job coaches to align their practices with inclusive employment principles, ultimately supporting students with disabilities in achieving positive postschool outcomes
Note: This two-day training provides a total of 8 hours of professional development. Completion of day one is required to attend day two.
This training is ONLY open to New Jersey school staff. When performing the role of job coaching, school-based job coaches must be supervised by a certified teacher who has completed the required courses to coordinate Work-Based Learning (formerly SLE). For more information about work-based learning coordination, please visit the New Jersey Safe Schools Program
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJDOE Professional Development Hours.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Full August 28, 2024 & August 29, 2024  9:30 am - 2:00 pm


Event Full
Registration Closed


Employment Specialist Foundations: Basic Knowledge And Skills

Employment Specialist Foundations: Basic Knowledge and Skills is the recently redesigned certification series for New Jersey employment specialists/job coaches. It is a regularly updated four-day series of interactive, competency-based workshops designed for beginning Employment Specialists working for a DVRS Supported Employment Vendor and/or DDD Community Service Provider offering Supported Employment Services. The content would also be beneficial to school job coaches and transition coordinators. Participants will learn best-practice, evidence-based approaches to all phases of supported employment services (assessment and discovery, job development, job coaching, and follow along for job retention). The course is designed to prepare otherwise qualified staff for The Certified Employment Support Professional (CESP) exam by providing an overview of the five core areas identified as crucial for ability to work as a supported employment specialist.
While staff will benefit most by participating in the four training days sequentially, the series is designed so that each day’s content exists as a distinct, stand-alone learning experience. For each day, participants will receive a certificate of completion. An individual will not be considered to have met the DDD/DVRS vendor requirements for competency in supported employment services until after the successful completion of all four days. It will be the responsibility of the agency to ensure staff meets the four-day participation requirements.

Employment Specialist Foundations Day 1: Assessment/Discovery Phase

An overview and history of community-based employment and how-to strategies for effective job seeker assessment/discovery phase to maximize future job matching.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey CBVI, DDD, and DVRS, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, DVRS approved vendors, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work, CRCC, NJDOE
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 1, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Registration is closed
Full August 6, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Event Full
Registration Closed
Open September 9, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Employment Specialist Foundations Day 2: Job Development Phase

An introduction to job development including marketing strategies, negotiating with employers, analyzing worksites and customizing employment to facilitate good job matching.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey CBVI, DDD, and DVRS, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, DVRS approved vendors, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work, CRCC, NJDOE
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 3, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Registration is closed
Open August 8, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Open September 13, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Employment Specialist Foundations Day 3: Job Coaching Phase

An examination of learning styles, direct and systematic instruction on the job site (task analysis, hierarchy of prompts, teaching to natural and artificial cues, error correction, etc.) and data collection.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey CBVI, DDD, and DVRS, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, DVRS approved vendors, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work, CRCC, NJDOE
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 8, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Registration is closed
Open August 13, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Open September 16, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Employment Specialist Foundations Day 4: Long Term Follow Along Phase

A familiarization with the purposes, strategies and documentation of long term follow along supports to boost retention as well as an introduction to employment and the ADA, benefits and employment, and “typicalness” research and employment.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey CBVI, DDD, and DVRS, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, DVRS approved vendors, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work, CRCC, NJDOE
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 15, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Registration is closed
Open August 15, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Open September 20, 2024  10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Employment Specialist Supplemental

Employment Specialist Supplemental: Building Customer Relations for the Employment Specialist

Customer relations are an integral part of a successful employment services agency.  This course will assist Employment Specialists to identify all of the customers that receive their services as well as describe strategies that will facilitate effective customer relations.  Methods of measuring customer satisfaction will be introduced and how those methods connect with continuous quality improvement will be stressed.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey CBVI, DDD, and DVRS, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, DVRS approved vendors, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 12, 2024  10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Employment Specialist Supplemental: Business Advisory Committees: Networking Support for Job Development

Business advisory committees are not a new concept, they have been used in community-based employment programs for decades. A well-constructed business advisory committee with a clear mission can make job development easier. Developing job opportunities for individuals with disabilities requires making connections with employers and developing strategies to create and expand community links. Starting and maintaining a business advisory committee often takes a backseat to the more pressing needs of day-to-day agency and program operations. Using a number of knowledgeable resources, we will discuss a framework for developing an effective and productive business advisory committee and how to keep it going.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey CBVI, DDD, and DVRS, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, DVRS approved vendors, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 18, 2024  10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Employment Specialist Supplemental: Cultural Humility and Self-Reflection in the Job Coaching Partnership

In recent years, supported employment organizations have been prioritizing the need to provide culturally competent employment supports, which includes learning how to support people with disabilities from a wide range of cultural backgrounds. However, this focus on acquiring knowledge about different cultural groups can become its own obstacle. Too often, a focus on “becoming culturally competent” can lead to the development of stereotypes, or functions to protect ourselves from the shame or vulnerability that we experience when we are concerned about making a cultural misstep. Rather than considering what we know about others, cultural humility asks us to first consider what we truly know about ourselves so that we can be aware of our how own beliefs, values, and world view impact those that we support. This workshop will demonstrate that by reframing the expectation that a job coach must enter a supported employment relationship already “competent” in the culture of another, they will be better, more authentic, and more impactful partners and champions for employment success.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey CBVI, DDD, and DVRS, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, DVRS approved vendors, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open August 7, 2024  10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Employment Specialist Supplemental: Integrating Technology – Job Preparation and Development

Social services have traditionally been behind the times when it comes to using current and emerging technology to further efforts in the field. This session will dive into a host of different technology that a job coach could use to ready a candidate for their job search or interview, including digital and video resumes and endorsements, remote interviewing software, QR code embedding, and more. From a job developer standpoint, participants will learn how to harness the power of social media to exponentially increase their network and improve their ability to interact with business owners, capitalizing on many open and hidden job leads.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey CBVI, DDD, and DVRS, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, DVRS approved vendors, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 18, 2024  10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Employment Specialist Supplemental: Social/Sexual Challenges at the Workplace

Assisting individuals with disabilities as they navigate the social expectations at the workplace is always a challenge, but when situations of a sexual nature arise, the challenge becomes more complex. This supplemental will provide professionals with a social and educational context for why these issues present themselves in the workplace. Participants will leave with tools to appropriately respond to these situations while simultaneously supporting healthy sexuality for the people we serve.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey CBVI, DDD, and DVRS, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, DVRS approved vendors, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Closed July 29, 2024  10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Registration is closed

PCAST - Person-Centered Approaches In Schools And Transition

PCAST – Statewide Training Events

PCAST: An Introduction to Person-Centered Planning and Implementation for Families and Professionals

Participants will be trained on the use and facilitation of a person-centered planning process. Participants will learn fundamental skills, how to use planning tools and processes to implement person-centered approaches with students. Also covered will be methods for gathering, organizing, and presenting person-centered information, as well as implementing strategies designed to improve post-school outcomes for students.
Note: This two-day workshop provides a total of 9 hours of professional development.
“Person-Centered Planning and Implementation” is a two-day workshop. Completion of day one is required to attend day two.  
This training currently is ONLY open to NJ school staff, students with disabilities, and their family members.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJDOE Professional Development Hours.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 30, 2024 & October 1, 2024  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

LRC - Learning Resource Center Central | Directions
Web Site
200 River View Plaza -1st Floor
Trenton, NJ     08611

Open October 9 & 10, 2024  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Atlantic County | Directions
Web Site
6260 Old Harding Highway
Mays Landing, NJ     08330

Open October 23 & 24, 2024  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

William Paterson University | Directions
Web Site
1600 Valley Road
Room 1005
Wayne, NJ     07470

Open January 9 & 10, 2025  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

LRC - Learning Resource Center Central | Directions
Web Site
200 River View Plaza -1st Floor
Trenton, NJ     08611

Open January 23 & 24, 2025  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

William Paterson University | Directions
Web Site
1600 Valley Road
Room 1005
Wayne, NJ     07470

Open March 12 & 13, 2025  9:00 am - 3:00 pm


PCAST: Developing Group Person-Centered Planning In Classroom Settings

Participants will learn how to unbundle the skills and tools used in formal facilitated person-centered planning events for use with groups of students in both virtual and physical classrooms, while strengthening their person-centered planning skills. Each participant will draft a group instruction implementation plan with associated outcomes and actions that are designed to meet the needs of the students they will be supporting. Example implementation frameworks will be used to assist participants in customizing their individualized strategies.
Note: This one-day workshop provides a total of 4.5 hours of professional development.
Completion of “An Introduction to Person-Centered Planning and Implementation for Families and Professionals” is highly recommended but not required.
This training currently is ONLY open to NJ school staff, students with disabilities, and their family members.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJDOE Professional Development Hours
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open October 25, 2024  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

LRC - Learning Resource Center Central | Directions
Web Site
200 River View Plaza -1st Floor
Trenton, NJ     08611

Open November 14, 2024  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Atlantic County | Directions
Web Site
6260 Old Harding Highway
Mays Landing, NJ     08330

Open December 13, 2024  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

William Paterson University | Directions
Web Site
1600 Valley Road
Room 1005
Wayne, NJ     07470

Open January 30, 2025  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

LRC - Learning Resource Center Central | Directions
Web Site
200 River View Plaza -1st Floor
Trenton, NJ     08611

Open March 14, 2025  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

William Paterson University | Directions
Web Site
1600 Valley Road
Room 1005
Wayne, NJ     07470

PCAST: Utilizing Person-Centered Approaches to Improve IEP Meetings

This workshop will teach person-centered thinking skills and introduce tools designed to improve the quality of collaborative meetings, especially IEP meetings. Participants will leave with practical strategies and tools related to pre-meeting preparation, effective communication, management of difficult conversations and situations, approaches to address sensitive topics, New Jersey Administrative Code requirements, and post-meeting implementation.
Note: This two-day workshop provides a total of 9 hours of professional development.
“Utilizing Person-Centered Approaches to Improve IEP Meetings” is a two-day workshop. Completion of day one is required to attend day two.
Completion of “An Introduction to Person-Centered Planning and Implementation for Families and Professionals” is highly recommended but not required.
This training currently is ONLY open to NJ school staff, students with disabilities, and their family members.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJDOE Professional Development Hours
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed February 22 & 23, 2024  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

LRC - Learning Resource Center North | Directions
Web Site
7 Glenwood Avenue, 2nd Floor, Suite 201
East Orange, NJ     07017

Registration is closed
Open November 14 & 15, 2024  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

LRC - Learning Resource Center Central | Directions
Web Site
200 River View Plaza -1st Floor
Trenton, NJ     08611

Open November 21 & 22, 2024  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

William Paterson University | Directions
Web Site
1600 Valley Road
Room 1005
Wayne, NJ     07470

Open December 4 & 5, 2024  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Atlantic County | Directions
Web Site
6260 Old Harding Highway
Mays Landing, NJ     08330

Open February 6 & 7, 2025  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

LRC - Learning Resource Center Central | Directions
Web Site
200 River View Plaza -1st Floor
Trenton, NJ     08611

Open February 27 & 28, 2025  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

William Paterson University | Directions
Web Site
1600 Valley Road
Room 1005
Wayne, NJ     07470

PCAST – Person-Centered Practice Supplemental Training

PCAST: Culturally Responsive Facilitation in Person-Centered Practices

Participants will use person-centered thinking skills and tools to learn about implicit bias, microaggressions and culturally relevant practices. These tools and related activities will help participants to develop and enhance their facilitation skills that are culturally relevant to students, families, and communities.
Note: This one-day workshop includes 2 hour live virtual modules providing a total of 4 hours of professional development.
Completion of “An Introduction to Person-Centered Planning and Implementation for Families and Professionals” is highly recommended but not required.
This training currently is ONLY open to NJ school staff, students with disabilities, and their family members.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJDOE Professional Development Hours
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open February 7, 2025  9:00 am - 3:00 pm


PCAST: Supported Decision-Making (SDM) in Person-Centered Practices

Participants will engage in an interactive live-virtual session that will supplement existing person-centered planning skills. Specifically, the session will focus on sharing a critical knowledge and understanding of Supported Decision-Making (SDM) as an alternative to (and component of) State-appointed guardianship. It will also include small group discussions and information sharing on effective tools, strategies and concepts needed to build decision-making capacity in students. The workshop provides 2 hours of professional development.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to NJ school staff, students with disabilities, and their family members.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 27, 2024  12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Open October 30, 2024  9:00 am - 11:00 am


Open Janurary 13, 2025  9:00 am - 11:00 am


Open February 25, 2025  12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


PCAST: Supporting the Participation of Students Who Use Limited Words to Communicate in Person-Centered Planning

This workshop will share person-centered strategies developed in New Jersey schools to assist team members in supporting students who use limited words to communicate. Participants will leave the session with ready-to-implement tools and approaches they can used to increase student participation in their planning. Previous completion of An Introduction to Person-Centered Planning and Implementation for Families and Professionals is highly recommended but not required.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to NJ school staff, students with disabilities, and their family members.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open October 24, 2024  10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Open February 6, 2025  10:00 am - 2:00 pm


People With DD And Families

People With DD And Families

Building Partnerships in Planning through Charting the LifeCourse and Person-Centered Thinking

People with disabilities, families, and support coordinators collaborate to map a vision for life, define outcomes, and select the services and supports to help achieve them. The Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) framework, developed by the University of Missouri Kansas City, Institute for Human Development, was created to help individuals and families of all abilities and all ages develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want. Through engaging activities, this workshop will describe this framework and demonstrate how it can be used to develop plans that are authentically person-centered
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to Employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, Support Coordination agencies, Supports Brokerage Providers, individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 25, 2024  10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Ocean County Library | Directions
Web Site
21 Colonial Dr.
Manchester Township, NJ     08759

Supporting Positive Behaviors for Families

This training will introduce the fundamental principles of Positive Behavior Support to help family members and other natural supporters understand behavior change. It will review a brief overview of essential elements of behavior support, the influence of mental health on behavior, and the importance of observation, with an emphasis on the development of practical support strategies to prevent challenging behavior.   
Note: This training is not intended for paid agency employees or self-directed employees and cannot be used to fulfill DDD's Intro to PBS training requirement.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 25, 2024  10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Registration is closed

Support Coordination

Support Coordination Orientation

Support Coordination Orientation: Person-Centered Planning & Connection to Community Supports

Support Coordinators play an important role in the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families. They are professionals that help to identify the supports the person needs, plan for the life the person wants, and connect the person to services that will help him/her achieve a quality life in the community. In order to do this support coordinators need to have a working knowledge of the disability system and current models of support, be skilled in person-centered planning, be able to identify a wide array of available community services options, and effectively monitor the quality and effectiveness of supports on an ongoing basis.
As a part of the required support coordination orientation, this two-day training will introduce participants to current disability philosophy, best practices, and the roles of a support coordinator. Through a series of engaging activities participants will learn how to develop the person centered planning tool and NJ Individual Service Plan. Strategies to develop personally defined outcomes and goals will be practiced, and concepts related to connecting the person to community-based supports and services will be presented.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to New Jersey Support Coordinators and Support Coordinator Supervisors.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Prerequisite: All participants MUST complete all 5 Lessons found in Support Coordination Orientation (DDD 1.2015) on the College of Direct Support a week prior to training date.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 16 & 17, 2024  10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Registration is closed
Open August 20 & 21, 2024  10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Open Septmember 18 & 19, 2024  10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Support Coordination Workshops

Building Partnerships in Planning through Charting the LifeCourse and Person-Centered Thinking

People with disabilities, families, and support coordinators collaborate to map a vision for life, define outcomes, and select the services and supports to help achieve them. The Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) framework, developed by the University of Missouri Kansas City, Institute for Human Development, was created to help individuals and families of all abilities and all ages develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want. Through engaging activities, this workshop will describe this framework and demonstrate how it can be used to develop plans that are authentically person-centered
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to Employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, Support Coordination agencies, Supports Brokerage Providers, individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 25, 2024  10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Ocean County Library | Directions
Web Site
21 Colonial Dr.
Manchester Township, NJ     08759

Upholding the HCBS Settings Final Rule for Support Coordinators

Support Coordinators have an integral role in upholding the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Final Rule through planning, connecting, and monitoring. This training provides information about the HCBS Settings Final Rule and its impact for people with I/DD and the services they receive. Support Coordinators will learn to incorporate elements of the Rule into the person-centered planning process, utilize tools to help people build relationships and community connections, and conduct authentic monitoring to assess compliance.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to Employees of New Jersey DDD, Support Coordinators, and Support Coordinator Supervisors.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open August 14, 2024  10:00 am - 12:30 pm


Behavior Support Overview for the Support Coordinator

One of the roles of Support Coordinators is to identify when supports to address challenging behaviors are needed, and to partner with the person, family, and all those providing support to ensure behavioral needs are met. This training will provide an overview of challenging behavior and related supports, with an emphasis on the Support Coordinator’s role in identifying needs and monitoring for quality and effectiveness of supports. Participants will learn to identify when mental health and behavior supports are needed, educate people with disabilities and their families on what to expect from providers, and monitor the effectiveness of behavior support services.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to Employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Support Coordination agencies, and Support Coordination agencies authorized by DDD to move forward with the training required in qualifications.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work  
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open August 22, 2024  10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Developing Person-Centered Outcomes: Technical Assistance Workshop for Support Coordinators

The development of personally-defined outcomes is the cornerstone of a quality individual service plan (ISP). Information support coordinators gather throughout the planning process helps to describe what the person would like to achieve and the supports and services needed to make this a reality. The role support coordinators play in facilitating conversations with people with disabilities and their families is crucial to helping people describe their vision for life, define outcomes, and select the services and supports that will help them to achieve this. Through the use of a presentation and guided practice, this workshop will teach participants techniques useful in the identification of person-centered outcomes.
In order to participate, Support Coordinators need to bring a print out of a completed PCPT and NJISP of a person she/he is currently working with (names and identifiers blacked out). These documents will be used throughout the workshops.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to New Jersey Support Coordinators and Support Coordinator Supervisors.   
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Prerequisite:  Completion of SC Orientation and actively working with a caseload for at least 30 days. Support Coordinators that have taken the SC Orientation fewer than 30 days prior will not be registered and should attend a workshop at a later date.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work  
Status Date Time Location Registration
Closed July 30, 2024  10:30 am - 1:00 pm


Registration is closed

Supported Employment Overview for the Support Coordinator

Employment is an important aspect of being a valued, contributing member of our community.  Support Coordinators play a crucial role in helping people with disabilities and their families explore possibilities and connect the person to the supports and services necessary to attain employment.  This course will describe the role the support coordinator plays in helping people with disabilities identify and realize personally relevant employment goals. Topics to be discussed include the impact Employment First has on the services they provide and concrete methods Support Coordinators can use to bridge the hopes, dreams, preferences, and personal attributes captured in the Person Centered Planning Tool and the desired employment future the person wants to achieve.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to Employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Support Coordination agencies, and Support Coordination agencies authorized by DDD to move forward with the training required in qualifications.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Cancelled July 11, 2024  10:00 am - 1:00 pm


The course has been cancelled.

Supports Brokerage

Supports Brokerage

Orientation to Supports Brokerage

Supports brokers are the linchpin of the self-directed service model, fostering independence, social engagement, and choice. This orientation provides an overview of self-determination, self-direction, and the basic principles of person-centered thinking and planning. Participants will learn how Supports Brokers collaborate with the person receiving supports, Support Coordinators, the Fiscal Intermediary, and Self-Directed Employees to bring the service plan to life. As part of this two-day training, future Supports Brokers will build skills in the areas of recruiting, hiring, training, and supervising Self-Directed Employees in partnership with those receiving supports. Building community connections and identifying supports outside of the formal service system will also be discussed.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to Employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Support Brokerage agencies and those interested in pursuing approval, NJ support coordination agencies, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open August 29 & 30, 2024  10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Open October 29 & 30, 2024  10:00 am - 4:00 pm


New Jersey Supports Broker Network Meeting: Professional Development

The NJ Supports Broker Network meets every other month to provide professional development and opportunities to discuss promising practices with supports brokers across the state. Topics may include but are not limited to: Community Connections; Person-Centered Practice; Circles of Support; Partnerships; DDD Updates; Fiscal Intermediary Processes; Supporting SDE Recruitment and Retention; etc…Additional sessions may be held periodically to address the learning needs of supports brokers.
Note: This professional development meeting is ONLY open to NJ Supports Brokers and DDD employees
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Cancelled July 12, 2024  9:45 am - 12:00 pm

First United Church of Christ (Outside) | Directions
Web Site
Meet Up & Starting Point
48 Church St.
Milford, NJ 08848,    
Parking in front of the church

The course has been cancelled.
Completed July 16, 2024  9:45 am - 12:00 pm

Collingswood Public Library (Outside) | Directions
Web Site
Meet Up & Starting Point
771 Haddon Ave.
Collingswood, NJ 08108,    
Street and Lot Parking Available

Registration is closed
Open August 16, 2024  9:45 am - 12:00 pm

The Juice House (Outside) | Directions
Web Site
Meet Up & Starting Point
31 E Main St. Suite 7
Freehold, NJ, 07728,    
Community Parking Lot Available

Open August 20, 2024  9:45 am - 12:00 pm

Millburn Town Hall (Outside) | Directions
Web Site
375 Millburn Ave.
Millburn, NJ 07041


Webinar Series For Educators And Transition Specialists

The Boggs Center is excited to announce a Webinar Series for Educators, Transition Specialists, Transition Coordinators, and other school-based professionals on Transition to Adulthood. Throughout this series, we will de-mystify the process and break down some of the more common challenges experienced by the school team. Participants will learn specific, concrete tools to empower families and students to graduate into full, rich lives in community. Remember, it’s not just a cliff. It’s also a view of the horizon.
Please see below for detailed information on each of the topics. Please join us for one or all of this series!

Webinar One: Launch Pad for Success

This webinar will lay the foundation for the concepts that will be discussed throughout this series. Many transition professionals have misconceptions about what adult services can and can’t do for students upon graduation. We will discuss both the capacities and the limitations of the existing services in New Jersey. We will highlight the importance of setting high expectations for all graduates, regardless of the severity of their disability. Lastly, we will broaden our approach from “person centered planning” to “family centered planning” to ensure that the entire family unit is supported, prepared, and empowered for a full, inclusive life after graduation.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 26, 2024  12:00 pm - 12:45 pm


Webinar Two: Adult Life 101 – A Beginner’s Guide to Adult Services

In this webinar, we will break down the specific services, program options, and supports that are available in the adult service system. We will examine eligibility criteria as well as the funding processes for each. Participants will learn to evaluate each option within the context of larger transition planning and the goal of a full, meaningful life.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open October 22, 2024  12:00 pm - 12:45 pm


Webinar Three: The Changing Landscape of Post-Secondary Options

There was a time when college was viewed as simply not an option for students with intellectual disabilities. However, due to the advocacy of students and their families, this is no longer the case. Both in New Jersey and nationally, there is a growing number of programs that provide alternate paths to a college experience for students with disabilities. This webinar will discuss this changing landscape, how to evaluate these emerging programs, and how to work with students and families to ensure a productive and appropriate post-secondary experience.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open November 19, 2024  12:00 pm - 12:45 pm


Webinar Four: Roadblocks in Family Partnerships: Repairing Communication in Challenging Situations

Working with families is a critical part of transition planning, but there are always some families with whom building rapport and forging collaborative relationships is simply not easy. This webinar will discuss what the transition process is often like from the parent perspective, and why they may be resistant to support, feedback, and help from the school team. We will explore how it is often the parents who are most challenging to engage that need our support the most. Participants will learn specific tools and approaches that will help repair troubled relationships and build stronger partnerships with families during this critical time of transition.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open January 13, 2025  12:00 pm - 12:30 pm


Webinar Five:Understanding Social Security Benefits: Setting Your Graduates Up for Employment Success

Informed family, financial, and estate planning is critical for families of individuals with disabilities. Often times, families look to the school team for guidance on these issues, and it is critical that schools can respond with informed answers. In this webinar, we will provide a road map for these critical decisions, clarify some of the common misconceptions around how disability benefits limit employment options, as well as explore the concepts of guardianship and supported decision making.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open February 10, 2025  12:00 pm - 12:45 pm


Webinar Six: Long-Term Planning

Informed long-term family, financial, and estate planning is critical for individuals with disabilities and their families. In this webinar, participants will be given a road map to help guide families through these critical decisions. Additionally, participants will explore Guardianship and Supported Decision Making, as well understanding the role of a health care proxy and/or a power of attorney in supporting individuals with disabilities to make decisions in their lives as adults.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open March 17, 2025  12:00 pm - 12:45 pm


Workforce Development & Frontline Supervisors

Workforce Development

College of Direct Support Administrator Training

These trainings are designed for staff provider agencies designate as their College of Direct Support Administrators. Participants may include: administrative assistants, human resources staff, and agency trainers. Participation in these trainings will help agencies meet the minimum requirement of tracking Pre-Service training and use the optional state of the art continuing education opportunities available through the College of Direct Support. In these trainings, administrators will learn how to enroll new staff into the CDS system using the DDD required fields, release CDS course/lessons to staff, track Pre-Service and other agency training, and generate reports on an individual and agency basis.     
Given the hands-on instruction provided in this training, all participants must use a laptop or desktop computer in order to toggle between the Zoom and a web browser. Alternate devices such smart phones, Tablets, iPads and Kindle Fire are NOT acceptable.   
In advance of the training, participants must download the CDS Adminstrator Manual and print or have available on an alternate screen (e.g. second screen, phone, tablet) to refer to as needed throughout the training and use after successful completion.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD and DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers.  
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 9, 2024  12:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Registration is closed
Completed July 18, 2024  10:00 am - 1:30 pm


Registration is closed
Full July 25, 2024  12:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Registration is closed
Full August 13, 2024  10:00 am - 1:30 pm


Event Full
Registration Closed
Full August 22, 2024  12:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Event Full
Registration Closed
Open August 27, 2024  10:00 am - 1:30 pm


Open September 12, 2024  12:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Open September 17, 2024  10:00 am - 1:30 pm


Open September 26, 2024  12:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Frontline Supervisors

Frontline Supervision Series: Building Competent Behavior Support Teams

Frontline Supervisors play an important role in collaborating with Direct Support Professionals to effectively address the behavior and mental health needs of those they support. This course will focus on recognizing the role of the DSP as a valuable member of an individual’s support team. Participants will learn effective strategies for: identifying training and mentoring needs, collecting feedback from staff, building competent teams, and establishing an environment to prevent challenging behavior and support mental health.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 11, 2024  10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Registration is closed

Frontline Supervision Series: Hiring and Onboarding

Frontline Supervisors play an integral role in promoting successful practices for hiring and retaining quality Direct Support Professionals. This course focuses on building skills to improve organizational personnel practices, including staff recruitment, selection, hiring, and onboarding. Participants will learn effective strategies for: recruiting and interviewing DSPs, implementing hiring practices that involve the individual who will be receiving supports, and enhancing retention through orientation and onboarding.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Completed July 9, 2024  10:00 am - 2:30 pm


Registration is closed

Frontline Supervision Series: Promoting Cultural Competence & Cultural Humility

Frontline Supervisors support employees from increasingly diverse backgrounds. Cultural competence and cultural humility are essential for harnessing the benefits of a diverse workforce, and building trust, relationships and effective communication within organizations, teams, and those supported. Participants in this course will learn about the concepts of cultural competence and cultural humility, strategies for promoting professional relations among a diverse workforce, and effective practices for supporting DSPs in the provision of culturally-appropriate supports and services.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open September 25, 2024  10:00 am - 12:30 pm


Frontline Supervision Series: Supervision, Leadership, and Promoting Professionalism

Frontline Supervisors are leaders and supporters, enhancing the capacity of their team to work together toward common goals. This course focuses on building skills to ensure competence, accountable performance, continuing professional development, and support for those supervised. Participants will learn strategies for: promoting professional relations and teamwork, building effective teams, facilitating collaborative problem-solving, managing conflict, and reviewing performance.
Note: This training currently is ONLY open to employees of New Jersey DDD, DDD/Medicaid Approved Providers, and individuals with disabilities and family members.
To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.
Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.
Continuing Education Credit: NJ Social Work
Status Date Time Location Registration
Open August 27, 2024  10:00 am - 2:30 pm
